A New Office for Brazil in 2022
Source of Light Brazil is one of our longest running and most established ministries at SLM. In recent years, leadership setbacks prevented the growth of the ministry with regards to the establishment of the Branch, but under the leadership of Samuel Milanez, the Branch is back on track.
Hundreds of Associate Schools have been using the materials over the years, many of which are churches that have very well-established discipleship programs, dependent on the Brazil Branch.
SLM Brazil has had a very generous partnership with a seminary in Cariri, Brazil, and they have hosted our very large office. Many students have been trained in the use of the materials, which has made for a wonderful expansion throughout the country as these students have taken SLM resources with them.
But SLM Brazil really has a need to have its own facility and housing for our director. A generous offer has been made by a foundation through the seminary to make a property available for free to our ministry, and we would like to raise $40,000 to build.
God has been so good to SLM in 2021, with so many generous gifts. We look forward to God providing for another building for SLM in Brazil during 2022.