Changing Hearts in America’s Heartland
By Leon Scott
What in the world is going on at the ministry of Source of Light Kansas? Recently, we have celebrated our 31st year of ministry which led me to reminisce back through the years to see what God the Father has done with the ministry over these years.
The ministry of Source of Light, Kansas began under the leadership of Herman and Lula Klaassen in March of 1986. This couple began a Bible discipleship ministry in a spare bedroom of their two-bedroom apartment. The first year of operation they provided 1,300 Bible lessons free of charge to anyone who requested them. During that first year, the volunteers processed the answer sheets with eight individuals indicating that they had received the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.
The ways the Lord has grown this ministry is absolutely amazing! In 1986, the ministry began in that small bedroom which was about 150 square feet. Three years later, the ministry moved to a two-bedroom apartment in the complex that the Klaassen’s owned and lived in. The size of the apartment was approximately 500 square feet. Three years after that, the ministry was moved downtown to a five-room office building which was 1,000 square feet, located near the post office. By 1996, it was apparent that the location was getting too small to accommodate the volunteers and the work. We began looking for another building and found one that was vacant. An agreement was struck that we would purchase it in cash within a year. That year all our man-made attempts to promote and raise funds failed. God waited until 43 days before closing and then opened the windows of Heaven! God touched hearts and moved people to give until we had to “announce” that the project was completed. The total God provided was over our purchase price! The building was purchased in December, 1999, and we moved in and began operations on Monday, January 17, 2000. This is our current location of 3,100 square feet with enough room to grow and expand as needed.
In 1995, the Lord opened the door to begin ministering in the Spanish language. Within two years, the Lord brought in two individuals to assist in grading. The Lord built the team up to twelve people to minister to the Spanish students. These individuals, who were led by the Lord to serve with us as disciplers, were retired missionaries from the following countries: Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Paraguay, Guatemala, and Panama. Also we have a Spanish discipler from Ohio.
The Lord was very good in providing many volunteers capable of thinking and conversing in Spanish over the years to affect the lives of the disciples. However, many of our volunteers have left the ministry through health reasons and by being taken home to be with the Lord. Currently, we have three disciplers instructing the students. Their ages range from early 80’s to 100 (this volunteer celebrated this milestone in July).
What is our Heavenly Father doing today you may ask. We are ministering to over 500 individuals monthly of whom the majority are incarcerated in county jails or detention centers, state and federal correctional institutions, and a few ICE holding facilities. In many of the institutions we are ministering in English and Spanish with Bible lessons, additional material such as tracts, self-produced monographs explaining material in the lessons, and portions of the Daily Bread devotions.
Also, we are learning to continue to trust in our Heavenly Father for the provisions for the various aspects of ministry. In the spring of 2016, one of the air conditioners’ compressor broke down and could not be repaired. The remaining unit has a Freon leak in the “A” coil which requires recharging in the spring to be able for use. At this writing, we have approximately 80% of the funds in hand and trust that this project should be completed by the time you read this.
In addition to the need to have the heating and air conditioning systems replaced, the parking lot is in need of repairing and surface coating.
In the spring of 2017, we took the initiative to contact all of the county jails in Kansas to inquire if Source of Light Kansas could provide Bible lessons to those who desire to study them. We have received a good response from the smaller facilities.
Our mission at Source of Light Kansas is to evangelize, disciple, and encourage in the Lord each individual whom God has entrusted to us through correspondence, referrals, the local church, and other sources over which we are stewards as God provides.
What is the ministry in need of at the present time?
- The ability to rest in the Lord Jesus and wait on Him to complete His purpose in all the people involved in this ministry.
- The need for younger and proficient workers for various service opportunities.
- The need for financial resources is a constant reminder of our dependence on our Heavenly Father.