Every Perfect Gift is from Above
A letter from the Editor – Ron Barnes
The trials that society has faced these last couple of years have shaken each of us. We have lost more trust in the government, if that were even possible, in medicine, in news media, in social media, and even in each other. In trying times like these, where we have been shaken to the core, many have faltered, many have become discouraged, and the next wave of pandemic very well may be one of mental health.
Christians too have been adversely affected during this time; many have even begun to question God. Has He been the One to bring all this about?
James, in a reaction to a similar concern he heard from the Jewish Christian community scattered outside of Palestine, sensed a growing belief that somehow God Himself was responsible for bringing these evils, trials, and temptations.
He wrote his defense, employing a play on words from a proverb common in Hellenistic writings: “every gift is good and every present perfect.” It is the English equivalent of, “don’t look a gift horse in the mouth,” which is intended to mean that one should not find fault with something that has been given as a gift.
But understand, while using the play on words, it wasn’t exactly what James was trying to say. It was rather poetic, and intended to draw their attention, close enough to be picked up on its familiarity, but distinct enough with the shifting of the word in order to draw attention to it.
His version was: “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning” (James 1:17).
Both “good” and “perfect” invoke elements of sacrifice. “Good” meaning the best, most excellent gifts, and “perfect” meaning those gifts without any blemish. James was reminding us, and his initial audience, that God initiates only those things which are good, and good for us, in fact, the very best He has to offer.
This will never change (“with whom is no variableness”). It was true in James’ time, before James’ time, and it is true today. God never ceases to stop; He can’t stop. He is the Father of lights; there is never a shadow on His day, and “neither shadow of turning,” the rotation of the earth, moon, and stars. He put them into place, into motion, but He Himself is never affected by them. His good work goes on and on, unceasingly, and His love for us should never be in question.
God loves us. He is not the kind of God who uses evil to get us to do what He wants us to do. Evil is responsible for evil, not God. God is only capable of that which is good and perfect and is the giver of those kinds of gifts.
Perhaps this in not the typical Christmas greeting one might usually send this time of year. Nonetheless, it seems necessary to address the context of gift giving, and how good and perfect God’s gifts always are.
2021 was a year that God blessed the Source of Light Global Ministries with incredible gifts from partners of our ministry. These gifts allowed for the expansion of the SLM ministry exponentially. We saw many gifts to the Paper Partners Project, which allowed us to restock and send more literature to Branches, including significant costs associated with the challenges associated with shipping issues. In spite of significant increases in costs, God has allowed us to provide considerably more literature.
We have also seen many gifts providing for the needs of transportation for our missionaries. Many of these frontline workers need vehicles that can take them, literally, to the end of the earth. Most of the “ends” don’t have paved roads, or even roads at all. But many 2021 gifts were allocated to meet these specific transportation needs.
Additional large gifts allowed for the building of SLM Branch offices, churches, and properties, plus protection for those properties. These gifts paved the way for long-term presence in these countries, providing a central place where people can go for help and resources. They will keep costs down for the Branches who have in the past paid rent. Many will house “microenterprises” that will create income for the ministry within the country, lowering dependence, and allowing for expansion of ministries.
Many times, when people give to SLM, they do so because they see the need. Most will never truly know the long-term impact their gift made on our ministries. Their gift impacts more than just an immediate need, but rather, it’s the seed for future fruit and ministries that will far outlive any of us.
SLM is fully and intentionally engaged in carrying out the Great Commission, making disciples all around the world. Every donation is carefully scrutinized and accounted for so that we can assure each of you, and more importantly the Lord, that every gift counted.
So, as we approach the time of the year where we are all thinking about gifts and gift giving, I pray that God would use those gifts, particularly ones given for the carrying out of the Great Commission, exponentially. That God would take those gifts, like He has been known to do, and multiply them for His glory, and for the expansion of His Kingdom.
God bless you, cheerful givers! Thank you for all you do in prayer and support of this ministry. We hope that this Thanksgiving and Christmas Winter edition of the Reaper will bring you encouragement from the stories of how God’s good and perfect gifts have been used here at SLM.