Expanding the SLM Vision for South America
By Pablo and Dalila Correa
An unexpected pandemic has failed to stop the development of the Church of Christ. A Christian song that is sung in Latin America says, “Oh glory, oh hallelujah, in struggles and trials, the Church continues to walk . . . .” The Church of Christ kept walking, even has extended its stakes. Christ commanded us to make disciples, teaching them to keep all the things that He had taught. And the things he taught are not just to be fulfilled in a certain building, chapel, cathedral, or temple. We are the temple of the Holy Spirit and we are the Church, called to complete the task.
Source of Light ministry in Latin America has been reaching thousands of people of all ages and socio-economic levels, with printed Bible lessons. The power of discipleship has been shown, in church planting, prison work, the use of mass media, and support for hundreds of local churches. There are thousands of testimonies from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru of how God has used each Bible course to transform lives. The materials touch thirsty souls who give their lives to the Lord to be part of the militant Church of Christ.
And it is throughout this enormous Spanish-speaking territory, the hand of the Lord continues to manifest itself in a powerful way. Today the vision, as an obvious result of the changes, is spreading in each of our Latin American Branches. Given the situation that emerged, each one has ventured into the use of technology, joining the virtual era. Using all possible networks to continue the task of discipleship is resulting in more Christians being involved in disciple-making as the Bible teaches.
We are striving to reinforce the stakes to extend out before the clamor of Cuba, Venezuela, and Honduras, to provide them the tools to reach their own people. We have an unlimited future to reach more countries of Latin America.
Each Branch in Latin America is committed to the proper use of each Bible lesson that is distributed to local churches, schools, prisons, retreat centers, camps, children, and youth. All these countries have projects that they long to see achieved, believing that nothing will be able to stop the vision that God in His mercy has granted them. This southern part of the great American continent is a land of opportunities, but with huge needs.
Under the leadership of Jorge Ovando, the ministry is reaching hundreds of people through social means, in his country and even outside its borders, like Paraguay, requesting Source of Light courses.
Argentina: Fuente De Luz Christian school needs $1,300 to connect gas pipes to the SLM school before in-school classes can be resumed. They also have a Camp Project and need $25,880 for construction of dormitories.
Our Bolivia Branch, in the central west of South America, is led by Miguel Sanchez who has been serving God from Tarija as a church planter and the SLM Director. His ministry extends throughout the country, but he has a particular vision to go to the unreached villages. Few have this vision and even fewer could handle the trek.
Bolivia: Branch Work Funds and Director Support: Miguel serves faithfully while significantly under supported. To function fully, he needs $300 monthly for support and $400 for Branch ministry expenses.
This is our newest Branch in South America even though it has been using Source of Light lessons for over 15 years. The office is in Bogotá and has been printing lessons in-country reaching prisons, rehab centers, schools, and churches. God placed in Gilberto Vanegas a vision to expand the ministry to the Guajira, an area on the north coast of the country, near the border with Venezuela. This will expand the ministry significantly and is a strategic area of need.
Colombia: Printing Press Replacement – It will take $8,000 to replace the aging printing equipment that has produced tens of thousands of lessons over the years.
The current 2021 Printing Budget for Spanish Speaking South America is $39,000. We trust God to provide the total amount to supply each Branch in the region for 2021!