For Such a Time as This
By Kimberly Rae Thigpen
Source of Light’s first lessons were hand-cranked through a mimeograph machine.
Over the 68 years since, millions of lessons have been mailed, hand-delivered, loaded onto transports, or shipped by barge. SLM now ships about three tons of material in a single year.
But what happens when shipping costs skyrocket, civil unrest blocks deliveries, or a global pandemic shuts down international trade? What do we do for the millions of people in closed countries, where holding a Bible lesson in their hands could result in prison or death? And how do we most effectively reach a generation more comfortable with a gadget in their hands than a book?
It’s time to expand!
SLM has been working to get our evangelistic and discipleship courses into an online, globally accessible format. The advantages to this would be immense.
Even before the Covid shutdown, our missionaries around the world were seeing the need for courses online. Madison Discipleship School Director, Brian Thompson, says, “There are situations even in English-speaking parts of the world where it is too expensive to send lessons to those who need them. We have had people desperate to study God’s Word, but lessons would get lost going the long distances to reach them in countries where we have no Branch or Associate Schools.”
Right now, we have countries waiting on delivery of courses. Locations in Peru are requesting hundreds of lessons, but the Branch does not have that many in stock and could not travel to deliver what they do have.
Through online courses, Thompson says, “God is providing a way to send missionaries, via the Internet, to places we have been unable to help before.”
Online courses would allow those in countries hostile to the Gospel to share the Good News phone to phone or computer to computer, with much less risk to themselves or those seeking truth. One of our Branch Directors has been beaten and left for dead while carrying lessons. He survived, and one of his persecutors read the lessons and came to Christ. Another of his fellow workers, however, was recently murdered and the motorcycle he used for ministry stolen. For Muslims or those in Communist countries, even asking questions about Christ can be dangerous. Online lessons would allow them to seek God on their phones or tablets or computers. Those around them would have no idea they are not playing solitaire or doing online shopping. Imagine the possibilities!
Covid has shown us the great power of the Internet as a tool for the Gospel message. In Mexico, a Vacation Bible School was offered online rather than in person. Expecting 200–300 as in previous years, they were amazed to see logins from over 1,000 computers.
Already, the results of initial online attempts are, as one of our directors declares, “amazing.” Ministry leaders are able to reach beyond their local areas, and even beyond borders.
Envision Americans studying lessons while waiting at the doctor’s office, Africans reading the Gospel as they ride public transport, Asians sharing lessons in secret, device to device. Picture a great wave of new seekers learning, growing in the Lord, and then reaching others.
We recently heard about forty new pastors in one country, men who had before been graders of SLM lessons. That is the sustainable, reproducible ministry we strive for — planting seeds, reaping the harvest, and from that harvest to planting more seeds.
Online lessons are not to replace our print ministry here at Source of Light, but to expand it. More people getting the Gospel. More being discipled. That’s why we are here.
Please pray with us that God will use this new tool in a mighty way. We expand our ministry to expand His Kingdom!
As Esther was told during a time of great crisis, before a time of great deliverance, who knows if we are “come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” (See Esther 4:14)