Gifts of Faith
By Danielle Dare
For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do for his good pleasure (Philippians 2:13).
This is the verse that replayed over and over in my mind as I spoke with a few of Source of Light’s faithful donors recently. God accomplishes His will in the world, but He uses obedient people to give of their time, skill, and resources to complete the work.
Ed was in the automobile business, attending his local church’s mission conference, when he first heard about Source of Light through Glenn Dix, who was serving as director at the time. That night, he also learned that Glenn was having car trouble and offered to fix the missionary’s car. A decision to do what he could to help began a friendship lasting decades as well as a long-term ministry partnership. The more that Ed said yes to God, the more he loved the work that God was doing through Source of Light: equipping the people on the field and developing Bible lessons in more languages. He says of himself and his wife, “it became the most important thing in our lives.” Ed pointed out to me the value of sustaining redemptive relationships in ministry, through good times and challenges, with a commitment to the work that God is completing.
Randall was just a boy when he first learned about Source of Light! The church his family attended sent groups of volunteers to help out at the mission, and he remembers going along with his parents, leaving a lasting memory in his mind. Years later, as an adult, he learned of the great needs in Uganda, especially for children. God stirred in his heart to give out of his resources to reach children in Uganda with the Gospel. As he searched for a ministry to partner with, God brought Source of Light to His mind, and he committed to be a part of what God is doing through the Source of Light lessons! The seeds that God planted in Randall’s heart when he was just a boy are now being harvested across the world in the salvation of boys and girls in Uganda.
“We can’t always see it, but God is working all the time,” shared Glen and Lawania, a couple who were introduced to Source of Light around 40 years ago. Convinced of this truth, they live their lives continually listening for God’s voice and are committed to obey whatever He asks them to do. Motivated by the legacy of Abel as recorded in Hebrews 11:4—“Abel offered to God…And through his faith, though he died, he still speaks”—this couple chooses to invest in God’s work, and as they perfectly stated, know what they have contributed to will continue to bear fruit long after they are called home to Heaven. For them, the decision to partner with Source of Light is a simple matter of stewardship. They have seen the faithfulness of God over the years to use Source of Light’s discipleship materials to reach countless people in the far corners of the world.
The testimonies of these few faithful supporters represent the legacy that has made the work of Source of Light possible over the last 70 years and is what will carry it into the future until Christ returns. Huge steps of faith are often preceded by everyday decisions to follow in obedience that to some seem insignificant. Coupled with a church hosting a missionary conference, I see a decision of an individual to show up to those meetings. When a man has a heart to give toward global outreach, I see a mom and dad including their children in volunteer opportunities. When the choice is made to invest in eternity with resources of time and money, I see a prior commitment to listen to God’s voice and respond to each need as He calls. God is working; He is looking for willing helpers to say yes in ways simple or great.