Global Input on the SLM New Course Development
By Kim Thigpen
Many of our partners’ hopes for the future center around the much-anticipated online courses, as well as creating new print courses. Recently, we contacted fields around the world to ask for feedback regarding the courses they currently have, and what they would like to see happen in future work. As we develop new courses, they are giving important insights into the needs around the world, and how we can meet those needs most effectively.
Samuel in Brazil would like to see a QR code on the back of lessons, so readers could do their test questions online. The answers would go to a missionary, who could then develop a relationship via the Internet.
Sandra Vanegas in Colombia would like lessons to be sized so their children can collect them over time, and when finished, have the entire set of lessons compiled into a folder/ book to keep. This would provide a full set of lessons for the student to re-study over time or pass on to other students or their own children one day.
Countries have requested material for their Sunday Schools, to train and disciple children through the churches. Colombia requested a course that takes children through the Bible from beginning to end. We’re working on that right now!
Sergei in Brazil, along with many other fields, would like to see the test section of the lessons separate from the course booklet. They have people asking for courses for their entire family, or groups, or a student would like to be able to pass along the course once they have completed it. If we were able to give those students one course booklet and multiple tests, we would be able to print and provide more lessons for less cost, allowing our schools to expand their outreach without needing to raise more funds.
Rowley here in Madison wants to see courses that include creation and the basic truth of the existence of God. Seeing how our country has changed, and many no longer attend church as a child or are taught Bible stories, we can no longer assume a basic knowledge of key Biblical concepts, such as God as the Creator, the existence of Heaven or hell, or God interacting with His creation as taught in the Old Testament stories.
Abraham in the Philippines would like to see teacher’s manuals for courses, and visual aids for in-person learning.
Our fields want to contextualize courses to fit their cultures. A teen course that might address dating here in the United States should be changed for a culture where the dating concept is inappropriate. If we want our courses to minister in a culture where girls showing any part of the arm is deemed immodest, we need to create graphics that will not hinder the Gospel message in any way, certainly not by having images that come across as unholy.
Many of our countries are happy with the idea of having a short, appealing but inexpensive pamphlet to give to people recommending and introducing Source of Light. At this point, many give out a first lesson of a course as a way to introduce SLM, but then for those who do not end up taking the course, the remaining lessons are at risk of being wasted.
Our fields want to be able to offer courses online. Many of them already have apps and digital social options in place where they can reach people and disciple them through the Internet, if they had the courses to offer. Were we able to present print, PDF, or interactive online options, their mission fields could expand in ways that would have been impossible throughout most of
history, even twenty or thirty years ago. For example, if we hear of an exchange student or a person from Nepal going to college in the United States, we could connect them to our partner who oversees Nepalese lessons, and he could take lessons online, developing a relationship with a believer from his home country who knows his heart language.