Mission Spain 2022
By Ron Barnes
Bordered by Portugal and France along the Iberian Peninsula, Spain is known for its picturesque Mediterranean coast and mountain ranges. The stable economy among Latin nations and their close proximity to northern Africa make it an ideal resettlement location for immigrants.
Roman Catholicism is by far the largest religion, representing about 70% of Spain’s total population of 51.5 million, but most Spaniards, particularly the younger generation, do not participate in regular religious worship. As many as 25% of Spaniards profess no religious affiliation. With many Spanish cities and towns having no evangelical witness, Spain is a difficult environment for missions. In fact, Spain is often referred to as a graveyard for preachers, evangelists, and missionaries.
Jorge Vechiarelli was well aware of Spain’s reputation, but acting on an invitation from pastors in Spain, he and his wife left their beloved homeland of Argentina, transitioned from a lead administrator ministry role for South America, and headed to Spain to see how God might use them.
Arriving in the midst of the Covid pandemic, his interactions with ministries, churches, and leaders led him to the conclusion that discipleship was at the center of Spain’s greatest need, and resources were necessary to respond to that need. This conclusion led back to a connection he had in Argentina, with a ministry he had been partnering with for some time, to see if perhaps that organization would be willing to work together with them.
That missionary was Jorge Ovando, Director of Source of Light Argentina. Through a series of conversations with local and regional administrators, it was decided that a couple of us should see first-hand the need and evaluate the situation to determine if we should consider making Spain Source of Light’s newest Branch.
A board member, Darwin Blandon, and I made our way to Sant Celoni, a 20-minute drive outside of Barcelona and spent time becoming acquainted. Our first desire was to get to know Jorge Vechiarelli and his family, and determine if they were a fit for the very high standards we have for our missionaries at SLM. Their sincerity, kindness, strong testimonies, and commitment to the Gospel were unmistakable.
Another desire was to make contact with key individuals and see what kind of need and partnership would be necessary. One of our first meetings was with the General Secretary of the Baptist Union. We began to share about what SLM has been effective in doing around the world, and it was clear from his perspective that the SLM resources are a crucial need for the church and for reaching unbelievers. The Advanced Studies resources, our Bible-college-level curriculum, were also of interest due to the lack of training facilities and resources for pastors.
The next day, we met with the head of the mission’s branch of the denomination, and he shared about the opportunities for not only reaching Spaniards, but also the many immigrants they receive. He is active in immigrant ministries personally and was extremely encouraged to learn of SLM’s reach into many other languages besides Spanish.
Wheels began to turn in both of our heads as he shared what the Spaniards are doing by way of outreach outside of Spain in Spanish, Portuguese, and French-speaking countries through their missionaries. Opportunities to provide those missionaries with materials and training in the mother tongue of those countries was of significant interest, and SLM is in a position to respond.
We also learned of a unique opportunity among the sovereign territories of Spain on the African continent, in Muslim countries where proselytization by Christians is illegal and dangerous outside of those territories, but perfectly legal within. We discussed using those areas as places to train and disciple Christians and ministry leaders, as well as the possibility to begin a Seminary or Bible Institute.
In typical “God-fashion,” we were amazed at the opportunities in Spain and the great need. We began to strategize and make a plan to bring Jorge on as the Branch Director for Source of Light Spain. With so many open doors, we knew we couldn’t waste any time or else risk losing momentum. We began the process of training required to become a director and to run a SLM Branch.
Would you pray? Spain is a dark place, and the Gospel is slow to be accepted. We are praying that God would surround Jorge Vechiarelli and his family with partners who can come alongside and help him in the ministry, partners who can help him on the ground in Spain, partners who will support the ministry in prayer, and partners who will commit to support the ministry financially.
Woefully under supported, Jorge and his family have started the work, trusting God to provide for their needs. But in order for us to truly carry out this ministry, we will need some start-up resources as well as ongoing support. Would you consider joining us in this venture? Pray with us that the Source of Light Spain ministry wouldn’t end up being the burial ground the enemy would intend, but that it would become a holy ground of committed believers and churches, and a sending nation for the Gospel. Yes, the odds are against us, except we serve a God whose power is made perfect in weakness.