“Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord” – The SLM Operations Team
By Phil Winder
John the Baptist came on the scene to prepare the way of the Lord (Mark 1:3). The primary responsibility of the Operations Team is the ongoing maintenance of the headquarters building, mission housing, and vehicles. In a sense, perhaps you could say we are preparing the way of the Lord by preparing the home office and grounds for His people’s use.
Our mission housing hosts missionaries who serve the Lord at the SLM office in Madison, as well as guests who come to visit, volunteers who come and spend their vacations serving here, retirees, interns, and our own missionaries from around the globe who come stateside for furloughs to report to and make new ministry partners. Our houses are “home away from home” for our guests and our own missionaries.
You can see the value in maintaining mission housing, but it takes a team to accomplish. Let me introduce you to our team.
1. Our maintenance men who work diligently every day for the Lord.
2. Our volunteers who come to serve alongside of our men. They come for a day, a week, or in some cases forever.
3. Our ministry partners who pray fervently for our team, for provision, and safety.
4. Our ministry donors who donate goods, time, talent, and finances for the team to build, repair, replace, and maintain our housing and buildings.
We also maintain a fleet of vehicles for our team’s use, which includes transporting missionaries to and from the airport, hauling mail, or taking missionaries to meetings. We always need additional vehicles for our fleet.
SLM Fleet Project: SLM needs a fuel-efficient vehicle, a truck, and a minivan or SUV to replace our aging fleet.
Would you consider a donation of funds or a vehicle you no longer need for a tax-deductible receipt or “a gift in kind” letter?
In order to succeed, we need all our team members; we need more team members and we heavily rely on our volunteers.
In order to “enlarge our vision” and “widen our tents” we need additional team members to join us. Would you consider volunteering or serving at SLM?