REACH – Every Tongue and Tribe
“I’m Eva. At 37 I was lost, trapped in my body, unable to communicate. I have cerebral palsy and suffer constant spasms. Worse yet, I cannot speak verbally. But since I can understand speech, I felt like nobody understood me. My heart was full of resentment. Two years ago, everything changed when I came to Dios es Amor School. I am learning to communicate through sign language. The teachers understand and love me. More importantly, I have found Jesus who lives in my heart and removed the resentment I felt before. I am no longer lost!”—Eva #Mexico
“I went to church when I was a teenager and studied all of the Source of Light lessons. At 19 years old, I entered the Navy and turned away from God, and later on was expelled for insubordination. I became a delinquent, and ended up in prison. In a fight, I was beaten almost to death. That is when I cried out to God to give me a second chance. I was lost but Jesus found me. I started preaching in the prison using A Country called Heaven lessons. Now I serve God preaching in prisons using Source of Light courses.”—Luis Mejía #LimaPeru
“She was a Muslim called Fatuma. When we went to her church we shared with them the Word of God and she got a copy of God’s Great Salvation Book 1. As she read the book, she realized that Jesus Christ came to save her from her sins. She ran to the pastor’s home and confessed Jesus Christ as her personal Savior in tears. She has begun doing more door to door witnessing for Christ and encouraging others to get saved. She says she wants to become a coordinator in one of the churches to begin using the SLM lessons for Bible study, not only reading.”—Logose Grac #BudakaDistrict
“My past life was very disturbed doing many bad things and stealing and lying to everyone. I have been on the streets and committed many sins. By my way of living I have also hurt myself, but today I recognize the evil that I was in and today I recognize Jesus as my Savior.”— Inmate, 26, Gospel of John #LatinPrison
“Last ten days back I have made Xerox copies of our Telugu Bible lessons and distributed them to some of our seekers. One of the seekers received it and phoned and asked me to meet him at his place personally. I had received a paper from him and then I was so shocked and surprised when I opened the paper and read the whole letter. ‘THAT IS A SUICIDE NOTE.’ He decided to kill himself by taking poison because of his financial and family problems. Praise the Lord, he wonderfully received the Bible lessons (New Life in Christ – 1st and 2nd lessons) on the same suicide day. God spoke to him and changed his whole life and gave him a new birth and life also in his family. This is the happiest news and encouragement by using the Bible lessons of SOURCE OF LIGHT.”—SLM Central Zone #India
“Arilson, an inmate at a Federal Penitentiary in Brasilia, was saved in prison while studying the Bible through our correspondence school lessons. We tracked his progress as over 10 men from his cell, #8, signed up for Bible studies. When he and some of these men were transferred to other cells, the number of students grew, as the Word spread to other cells, and even to other prisons. Today, Arilson is still serving time, is considered a pastor to the other inmates. In his last letter, Arilson requested that the Bible studies be sent to his mother and his daughter, so that they too can know God’s Word and His salvation. He also sent the note, thanking Source of Light.”—Jim Leonard #Brazil
“I hereby convey my sincere thanks to you for the effort rendered to our children for providing them with story books which have helped them in knowing God, having good morals, reading fluently. I am very grateful for your service.”—Mukobe Penina #Uganda
Anthony started taking lessons in January of 2012. A month after beginning the lessons, he told us that he had trusted Christ as his Savior. He had a difficult road ahead. As he tackled his addictions, his jail time, and his loss of friends and family, God used this time and the courses to change his attitude and behavior. He studied hard and it showed in his work. The relationship through our school lasted six years as he was sent a diploma for finishing all 16 of our courses recently.
“Thank you. I will take your advice. I want Jesus as my Savior. I prayed to God to help me with my anger. I now go outside and call on God for help. It calms me down. Thank you.”—Kathy
“For years I have struggled with the idea that God would sacrifice His Son and always wondered what would stop him from sacrificing me in my current life. I learned that Christ stands in my place to redeem the sins I have committed because He has not sinned. Because my sins have been redeemed, I would not be sacrificed to atone for my sins.”—Emily