Spotlights – Spring 2018
By Emily P. Meyer
North Zone, INDIA
India ranks as the second largest nation of the world. Its people mostly claim Hinduism as their religion. Though the nation is massive, over 36 million idols are worshiped. Can you imagine keeping track of who do you worship for what?
Serving for 28 years out of New Delhi, Source of Light National Director, Sanjeeb Kumar Sahu, and his wife, Anita, 17 years, work diligently to point people from this lost nation to serve the one true God. A picture of their work can be painted by visualizing them in Bible correspondence work, church planting and training, discipleship training, leadership training, and social work. SLM Bible lessons and financial support are their most valuable resources for sharing the hope of Jesus.
Since 2005, they also have been burdened to reach Nepal with the Gospel. Eventually they had a Nepali evangelist on their team. Despite dangerous conditions, a three-month visit by this man allowed for a great Gospel birthing through door-to-door evangelism and distribution of Bible lessons. Today, there are six churches, 28 fellowship groups, and seven evangelists working full time as a branch of SLM’s New Delhi team work. Believers who were there before Sanjeeb’s teammates came in are now carefully sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with their neighbors, friends, and relatives.
Through Train Up The Child, 80-100 poor children are being taught, which has resulted in many coming to Sunday school, giving opportunities to counsel and witness to the families. This program has expanded into Nepal which suffered from the earthquake and there are 22 children now in the program there.
The Sahus’ ministry needs prayer support and regular monthly financial support. They are happy to send their newsletters and are encouraged when prayer partners send mail. Is God impressing it on your heart to bolster their efforts for the Kingdom in some specific way?
Pakistan, a nation of 190 million people and the sixth largest Muslim country in the world, is no stranger to world news. Radical Islamists from the Taliban have frequented headlines. Only three percent of its populous claim Christianity. Public allegiance to Christ is dangerous and those who openly choose to follow Jesus have counted that cost.
Source of Light National Director, Maqbool Bashir, and his wife, Amber, have been instrumental in amazing life transformations in this region for 11 years. Launching out of Faisalabad, their team ministers in many villages and cities. Utilizing tracts and other discipleship materials from SLM, as well as the Jesus film, they have witnessed new disciples being made for the Kingdom of Christ. Branches of Gospel work have been started in key cities, such as Peshawar and Islamabad. The Bashirs have been able to get SLM courses introduced into many schools.
Sadly, 10 SLM Hope Schools, which hosted around 100 students each, have been closed. The resistance to the Gospel in this country is palpable, but the power of the Gospel is notorious for stories of resurrection. One of these schools has reopened with 140 students. Similarly, two orphanages with 200 students each have closed. One has reopened with 39 lives being impacted by the Gospel once again and 161 still anticipating a return. The Lord would go after even one lost sheep.
The Bashirs have trained national missionaries to go into villages and to unreached people groups in order to multiply disciples. Conditions for Christians in Pakistan are reflective of the Israelites living in Egypt with modern day slavery, atrocities against human rights, extreme poverty, and atrocious living conditions. Ask God for encouragement and perseverance for these precious saints, for discipleship materials, Bibles for new believers and interested Muslims, personal monthly financial support for the Bashirs, meeting places where Christian congregations can come together for fellowship and worship, and Sunday school teacher support.
Kansas, USA
For 28 years, SLM Director of Discipleship Training, Leon and Susan Scott have served in Kansas. Their work started when they were appointees on deputation in 1989, and in 1993, they transitioned into full-time work with the Kansas Branch. They operate out of Newton, Kansas. Geographically, most people recognize that Kansas is tucked in the heart of the United States. Similarly, the heart of SLM is discipleship and Bible study distribution, which are the ministries that the Scotts spearhead from this location.
The Scotts work hard to network with various ministries for these specific Gospel niches for which SLM produces resources. Leon represents SLM at various Bible conferences, churches, and Bible institutes to help create further networks and partnerships to strengthen the work of making more disciples through what SLM offers.
As you pray for the Scotts and the work that they are doing for SLM out of Kansas, consider how you might bring their support level to 100% by helping them find the additional $1,000 a month needed. Additionally, pray for wisdom and patience as they care for Susan’s parents in their declining years and for how to plan for their own years after 65. There is also a great need for an individual or couple fluent in Spanish to effectively disciple students enrolled in Bible studies with this primary language. From the heartland of the U.S., this heart of Gospel work is making an impact across physical and spiritual borders through the Scotts.
If you don’t recognize the country of Myanmar by its modern name, you might recognize it by the name of Burma. For almost 40 years, American missionary, Adoniram Judson, shared Jesus in this Asian land, once colonized by Great Britain. In 1966, foreign missionaries were no longer welcome in this predominantly Buddhist country. Yet, that could not stop the Great Commission that nationals were charged with fulfilling in their own country.
For 25 years, SLM National Director Ps. CB Philip Thang has been ministering in this place that God cares for deeply. You might have questions about his name. “Ps” stands for “Pastor.” “CB” means that his family line derived from royalty, specifically from the Tribal Chief, Con Bik, who ruled the whole Chin State in his age. Serving in SLM ministry as a teacher, Philip’s brother, Noah, has worked for ten years in a different tribe. Team members, Peter Kyaw Tan Oo has worked for five years as a distributor and Soe Niang has worked for six years as a publisher. This team that Philip leads carries out their Gospel work through church planting, SLM Ministry, literature ministry, and children’s ministry. Some of the most successful resources they have used have been New Life in Christ, Understanding True Love and Practical Christian Living.
As resistant to foreign missionaries as the country has been, God is moving in the hearts of Buddhist people and using Philip’s team of nationals, who most certainly understand the culture very well, to create more interest in SLM courses. With the intricate fibers of the nation of Myanmar, Buddhists have a corner on childhood education that is not easy for Christian teaching to reach. Evolution is a primary topic of education that Buddhist monks teach these impressionable young minds amongst other false doctrines. Pray that Philip’s teams will be able to gain opportunities to teach the children of Myanmar the truth of God’s Word. Additionally, ask the Lord to bring ten people to their team to send as missionaries to further areas of Myanmar.