Spotlights – Summer 2018
INDIA, South Zone
By Emily P. Meyer
At this time in history, India is the second largest country in the world with an ever-growing population of close to 1.3 billion people. The state of Karnataka is home to 60 million of those people, with at least 14 languages spoken. The capital city, Bangalore, is home to over 10 million people and sadly is also the suicide capital of the entire country of India. With so many people living in one area, it would be easy to lose sight of the individuals behind those numbers. But that’s exactly why SLM National Director, Hemanth, and Asha Peter have been serving there since 2000.
They have been seeing the lost be found through a variety of ministries. Source of Light Bible lessons have been utilized in various areas like churches, villages, youth groups, TV contacts, prisons, and Tabernacle contacts. In particular, the Tabernacle outreach has been a great success in reaching the masses as contacts are discipled from wherever they are in life and taught using SLM Bible lessons. It’s absolutely amazing to see how God is using Explorers 1 and 2 and Practical Christian Living in the Kannada language to let some of the lost sheep of this portion of the world be found.
One way to support this vast ministry in India is through the purchase of a van that can be used in the Tabernacle staff transportation and other village ministry. It’s quite an urgent need. Another need is for more funds for the follow-up ministry staff as the number of contacts are increasing monthly by 300 to 350 on an average. As you prayerfully consider how you can help contribute to these needs, please pray especially for protection from the non-Christian radicals who are persecuting the churches. Many are lost in India, but with SLM’s partnership, we have great hope that many will be found.
Course Highlight: Who Is Jesus Christ?
By Ron Barnes Jr
Although not a new course for Source of Light, one particular course has seen new, renewed interest in light of what is happening in the world today. This question “Who is Jesus Christ?” is a question going unanswered in many world religions around the globe.
God is doing an unusual work especially in Muslim and Hindu cultures, where many are having dreams about a man named “Jesus.” Though these mosques and temples are well aware of the name, they are not going to give out any information about the man in their dreams and are certainly not going to do the research.
Many have found the answers they are looking for, about the man named Jesus, through this course. The course gives clear explanations about who Jesus is, where He came from, the fact that He is God, and clearly presents the Gospel. It introduces the Word of God to the readers and uses it to explain the Gospel from both the Old and New Testaments. It closes by testing their understanding of the course, gives them an opportunity to understand and respond to the Gospel, and encourages them to follow up with another course with someone who can disciple them and explain to them the Christian life.
Spotlight: ETHIOPIA, Addis Ababa
By Emily P. Meyer
If you ask National Director, Haile Tefera, what is interesting about the country of Ethiopia where he serves, he will tell you in one word: everything. He would know, as he and his wife, Tsedale, are Ethiopian nationals. They had immigrated to America to live the American dream. But in 2005, God spoke to their hearts about returning to minister with SLM in Ethiopia.
Ethiopia has many interesting aspects. In fact, you might be reading this while sipping Ethiopian coffee. It wouldn’t be surprising since Ethiopia is where the coffee bean originated. But what Haile finds MOST interesting is how Jesus is saving lost people in Ethiopia.
With the help of SLM discipleship materials, printed New Testaments, and the Papyrus audio players, much Kingdom work is being accomplished. Haile and his team have been quite effective through the SLM school in Dukem, printing lessons and Bibles in their own print shop, evangelism, discipleship, church planting, and reaching South Sudanese refugees.
As you prayerfully consider how you can come alongside the good work God is doing in Ethiopia, know that these are the most pressing needs: funds to complete the office in the capital city, personal support, and funds for paper for the printing of more courses and Bibles to equip churches. God is at work in Ethiopia. Continue to lift Haile’s ministry up to the Lord and ask Him how He would have you join in what he is doing there.
Spotlight: INDIA, Kolkata
By Emily P. Meyer
Perhaps the most famous resident of Kolkata, India is none other than Mother Teresa. One of her most famous quotes was, “If I look at the mass, I will never act. If I look at the one, I will.” There’s no question that this city with suburbs included, hosting 14.1 million people, was on her mind when she tried to figure out where to even begin. In this same token, SLM National Director, Karunakar Jena, and his wife, Sumita, have been serving one after one after one for 21 years with the life-changing hope of the Gospel.
In their region of West Bengal, there are now over 95 million people, many of whom are lost, as Hindus and Muslims make up the largest faith groups. Karunakar states, “People practice all kinds of witchcraft, idolatry, child sacrifice, and human sacrifice before the idols. They believe all religions are the same. So they argue that what they believe is correct.” But the Jenas’ team is committed to going after the lost sheep of this region and leading them to be rescued by the One True Good Shepherd.
They work tirelessly in areas of evangelism, discipleship, church planting, equipping leadership, children’s ministry, slum ministry, school ministry, and ministry among Muslims in 11 states of India. Through the work with SLM in this area, God has planted 25 churches, 34 fellowship groups in different villages, and 28 children’s clubs. Ten ADS and six WWBI schools in West Bengal and Tripura have been established as well. God is tremendously blessing the sharing of SLM discipleship courses and WWBI courses.
Travel is difficult in this area, so a vehicle to use to deliver literature and reach the different areas is a Godsized need. Also pray for Karunakar and Sumita’s safety and health. Most importantly, ask the Lord to open the hearts, eyes, and minds of those with hardened hearts to listen to His Word and come to repentance for salvation.
Spotlight: TOGO, Lome
By Emily P. Meyer
Togo may look like just a sliver on the map of Africa, but 7.6 million people call it home. Only nine percent of the population claim to be of evangelical faith. Since 1998, National Director, Sika Yawo, and his wife, Lucie, have been working diligently here to lead lost people to Christ.
Though this current political administration is counter-cultural to Christianity, it has never hindered the work of the Gospel that Sika and his team have been committed to. In fact, people are able to hear the Gospel in large cities, urban areas, and some villages as well.
From the capital city of Lome, Sika and his team strive to see people come to salvation and to nurture them in prisons, church plants, military camps, schools, evangelism campaigns, and an orphanage. Perhaps you may have packed a shoebox for a sister ministry, Samaritan’s Purse, for their Operation Christmas Child initiative. God is using those shoeboxes as a pathway to bless people in hostile areas of Togo and establish a welcoming spirit for SLM Bible lessons to be presented.
Please pray and consider how you can participate in the exciting ministry that God is doing in Togo. Pray specifically that God would provide support for Sika’s family, schooling needs of his children, keep his family strong and healthy, and that he would have the needed funds to operate his ministry in Togo. Please pray that God would also provide support for four staff. As opportunities arise to plant new churches, funds are needed to buy land. Won’t you prayerfully consider how you can help?