The “ADSs” of SLM: An Excellent Tool for Ministry
By Rawley Hayner
In the book of Acts, Chapter 11, we read about one of the earliest Christian discipleship sessions held outside of Jerusalem. Paul (then called Saul) and Barnabas were called to train up the people in the church at Antioch. They spent an entire year ministering the truths of the Gospel to this young and faithful church in Asia Minor.
In much the same way, Source of Light Ministries is actively involved in discipling today’s generation in the truths of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. We do so through our Bible lessons and more importantly through the Associate Discipleship Schools, which exist in communities around the world. These Discipleship Schools are invaluable in the process of training up men and women of all ages to be disciples of Jesus Christ. They are a vital link for students in the discipleship process.
An Associate Discipleship School (ADS) is essentially a Christian instructional ministry that facilitates discipleship with the use of Source of Light Bible lessons and other literature. These Discipleship Schools come in all “shapes and sizes.” Many are supported by a local church or Christian organization. Some are simply the work of an individual or couple who have regular Bible Studies and choose to use Source of Light lessons. Others have a singular focus on ministry to the incarcerated.
With most ADS ministries, the school takes responsibility for enrolling students in the various SLM Bible lesson courses. They mail out the age-appropriate Bible lessons and then process the quizzes that students return after they complete each lesson. Certificates are often mailed out when courses are completed by the students. Frequently, the ADS staff and volunteers will be asked to address prayer requests and spiritual questions from the students. This is a very special part of the discipleship process which requires much wisdom and prayer. Additionally, the staff and volunteers order the needed Bible lesson booklets, answer keys, and other Gospel literature from Source of Light Headquarters. There are certainly other tasks completed by an ADS, but these are the basic processes found in most Associate Discipleship Schools.
Source of Light Ministries would not begin to accomplish what it has without Associate Discipleship Schools. Through the years, ADS ministries have impacted many lives for the cause of Christ. Recognizing their invaluable place in the ministry, SLM has the desire to help further enhance their ministry efforts and encourage more efficiency in their day-to-day operations.
As we look ahead this year and beyond, there are a variety of ways in which Associate Discipleship Schools can make some incremental improvements that will foster greater effectiveness in their individual ministries. To accomplish this objective, there are several steps that we believe are needed: (1) establishing a better “connection” between the individual schools and the home office, (2) completing an assessment of the current operations, identifying what’s working well and also areas that need improvement, (3) developing an approach for improved communication of ideas and practices between the Discipleship Schools, (4) offering regular “re-tooling” sessions to enhance their operations, and (5) finding ways to assist schools in increasing their sphere of influence in their own communities. These are some of the opportunities we see that will help promote the effectiveness of Associate Discipleship Schools in an ever-changing culture.
So how does one start an Associate Discipleship School? As with anything we undertake in life, we must first seek the wisdom of God in prayer and the counsel of others who have a close walk with the Lord. Assuming the Lord has given you the “green light,” the next step would be to get in contact with Source of Light Ministries, at the Headquarters Office in Madison, Georgia. They can provide you with information about setting up an ADS, including sample lessons and other literature. You will be enabled by seeing the various ways that an Associate Discipleship School can operate and the different types of people who can benefit from your ministry.
Source of Light offers multiple plans of ministry to accommodate your specific situation, including: (1) a plan to use SLM Bible lessons for a group study or possibly a Sunday school class, or (2) a plan to simply distribute Source of Light literature and/or promotional materials such as enrollment cards. Source of Light has tracts and Bible lessons which can be used for outreach and evangelism. The enrollment cards invite individuals of all ages to take any of the Bible lessons offered by SLM—free of charge. Another plan (3) is available to provide the Bible lessons to different students and functions much like a school, grading the students’ quizzes and mailing out the next lessons in the course to them. This option generally requires several individuals to administer the basic operations and a facility to maintain the students’ data and the Bible study materials.
There are many different opportunities to be involved in evangelism and discipleship using the Source of Light materials. God has uniquely established this discipleship ministry to provide the tools which are used in many different scenarios to further advance His kingdom on earth. Maybe He’s tugging at your heart.
Give us a call!