Until the Whole World Hears
A letter from the Editor – Ron Barnes
It took 20 hours of flying, 10 hours of mountain driving, and 40 minutes of hiking the path where the road ended up the side of a mountain, but finally we reached our destination. Our Branch director insisted “this is a trip you need to make!”
Our own SLM Indian missionaries have wanted to visit this area in the Himalayas, to see what has defied what most missionaries say about the spiritual climate in this area. Churches, growing churches, packed churches with new believers, in some of the most pagan and idolatrous soil I have visited. This was more evident than any of my previous trips. I saw it everywhere I went…even in the church service.
As I preached, I watched two different people, clearly possessed by demons, conform themselves into what could only be described as “snake-like.” They slithered and riled, imitating the movement of a snake (which is the form of many of the idols in Hinduism).
The congregation didn’t seem too surprised by what took place, but if you could have seen my daughter’s face and the face of our national director’s daughter, you would realize it was rather frightening. But it seemed an all too common occurrence in that culture where they discreetly dealt with them and took it all in stride.
In fact, the night before, as I spoke in one of the house groups, the father of the house shared his story. His occupation was that of a “transporter.” People from the village would bring him their grievances, and he would carry demons to the accused and “pass along” this demon, to torment them.
It usually meant the person would not be able to sleep, have psychotic episodes, or at the very least be plagued with incurable illnesses. But when members of his own household became ill and experienced these symptoms, he was unable to cure them. He sought help from other “transporters” and witch doctors, but when they couldn’t help either, he reverted to conventional medicine and took them to the hospital. He recounted the days and days of analysis and tests and his frustration that no one could seem to help them find relief.
Then one day, a doctor at the hospital, familiar with the situation, walked him to the corner of the room and pointed out the window, half way up the mountain to the church. He said, “many have found the answers they have been looking for up there”.
That Sunday, they took the path, the same path I walked, to the church where they found freedom and healing from the Great Physician. As his family sat and heard the Gospel presented, one by one they came to Christ. He carefully listened initially, soaking it all in, assuming it could be something he could utilize in his “line of work.” But he, too, soon realized his need of a Savior, and came to Christ, leaving his former life behind.
Their healing was immediate, and their conversion was dramatic. The town “demon deliverer” was now delivering the Gospel and even allowing his own home to be used as a church. He now studies the Word of God diligently as he desires to serve the Lord with his whole life as an evangelist. This in a region thought to be the hardest to reach. There is no doubt it is a hard place to reach, but our missionaries, our ministries will not, cannot stop “until the whole world hears.”
While we have missionaries serving in 40 plus Branches around the globe, through strategic planning sessions at regional conferences in Africa and South America, we recently discovered that some SLM Branches in 17 countries have ministries that cross into 18 bordering countries. Many have been working with us for some time and are very close to being ready to become official branches if they just had the funding.
We have many more places to go and many challenges along the way, but God has been placing SLM in some of the most challenging places, and with some unique opportunities.
In this issue of the Reaper you will hear some of the ways God is using SLM missionaries and resources around the globe to see people saved and disciples made in some unique ways. God has opened the door for evangelism, discipleship, and training, using electronic media for sustained ministry when our missionaries are spread thin.
You will learn about discipleship available online and in smartphone apps. You will hear about the Gospel being presented on little devices that deliver it orally to those who are unable to read.
It is my hope that you will read this edition of the Reaper from cover to cover and prayerfully consider how you can help Source of Light Ministries International keep taking the Gospel, making disciples, and training national leaders around the globe… “Until the Whole World Hears!”