A New Life Revealed Through the New Life in Christ SLM Course
By Karunakar and Sumita
Bhagati was possessed with an evil spirit and she was very sick for many years. She and her husband went to many temples of idols and also to many good doctors seeking help. In desperation, they sought help at large hospitals, but she was not healed. Then Bhagati heard about the Lord Jesus and went to a church that preached about Jesus and His healing power. She believed in the Lord and was healed.
After that her husband and son also believed in the Lord, but without having clear salvation knowledge. She was going to many churches, but was unable to understand all of the things that were taught. Finally, when Bhagati and her family contacted us, we sent them three copies of New Life 1. All three had their own booklet to study. A while later, they called us and told us that if they could have found our address many years ago, they would have already learned many of the truths contained in NL-1. They had been taught many wrong things which they came to realize after reading this course. Bhagati and her family now have a clear knowledge of Jesus and an understanding of salvation. They are witnessing to others and three have become believers in the Lord.
They live in Burdwan and have been calling us every week for fellowship. But that area is very far away from us, and we cannot get there with a vehicle. Please pray for the spiritual growth of Bhagati, her family, and the three new believers in that area. Also, pray for a worker who can go every week to disciple them and provide some fellowship.
Like Bhagati, and her family, 92 people have come to the saving knowledge of Christ during this pandemic from March until October 2020. God is doing this great work through personal evangelism and through the SLM lessons. Two other families at Howrah threw their idols away and it filled a truck! They are reading their Bibles, but someone needs to go and teach them truths and help them to understand the Bible.