Serving at Source of Light: We are a little different
Source of Light operates slightly differently than other mission agencies. We have a number of different avenues that people can take to join us in serving.
Many who join Source of Light have become familiar with the wide variety of ministries we are involved in, and choose to spend their healthy retirement years productively by serving God at SLM. Instead of golf and fishing full time, these retirees come and carry out a number of essential roles.
Rowley Hayner came to SLM after having volunteered with a few ministries following an early retirement. His experience and gifts lent themselves to him serving as the Associate School Coordinator for the United States and serving in the Orders Department, to help these Associate Schools with guidance in purchasing and utilizing the materials.
Transitioning Missionaries:
Occasionally the field of service for missionaries changes and they often desire to continue to serve as missionaries. Some need to change their field due to health, age, transitions on fields, etc., but are not exactly sure where to serve next. SLM provides a soft landing for these transitioning missionaries. We have a wide variety of needs, typically something for every type of missionary. These missionaries can even stay with their current mission agency through a “seconding agreement” between ministries. They can continue toward retirement and under their agency’s insurance, accounting, and retirement programs, while continuing to serve full time in ministry. Or they can switch entirely to SLM.
Char Mattocks and her husband served faithfully for 30 years with Biblical Ministries Worldwide in New Zealand and Fiji. Char has continued for the last 22 years serving in the Orders Department here at Source of Light Headquarters, while still with BMW.
Scotte Staab and his family served with ABWE for 21 years in church planting and leadership development before they needed to return to the United States to address some family health issues they couldn’t get cared for in Romania. Five years ago, Scotte joined SLM and became a Regional Director, using the skills and experience he gained as a leader and missionary overseas.
Merle and Shirley Rice moved to Madison to be closer to their daughter, Brenda, and their son-in-law, Ron, Director of SLM. Over the years, they have come to love the ministry of SLM; they themselves used the materials with their children growing up. They volunteer in many areas, handling clerical work, odd jobs, and even have utilized Merle’s technical skills to repair our older printing equipment. They have no required hours; they just live nearby and are always ready to help departments in need at a moment’s notice.
Career Missionaries:
Ronnie and Bayleigh Barnes joined SLM right out of college, looking for a place to serve the Lord. They probably fit the more traditional mold of missionary, raising support and starting out in a career of missions. Ronnie serves as the Coordinator of Media Outreach and Human Resources, and uses his business degree almost daily in his responsibilities in administration and outreach at SLM.
You see, there isn’t just one way to serve at SLM. We need all kinds of missionaries and accept them from a variety of backgrounds and experiences.