Going to the Fields with the Audible Versions of SLM Courses
By Sophia Barnes
What if the needy were satisfied, or the hungry were full; what if the lost were found and the unreached were met? This world is full of “what ifs” and our up-and-coming generation, if we don’t do something about it, will also grow up with the mindset of “what if.” They will never actually go out and make a change for the Kingdom of God.
This isn’t the time for holding back from what God is leading us to do. This is the time to look upon the fields because they are white, and they are ready for harvest (John 4:35). If we as believers idly stand by and wait for the next person to do something about it, God’s plan will become just an idea that nobody acted upon. Jesus walked this earth, and when opposition arose, He didn’t just stand there and think, “What if?” He did it. He didn’t concern himself with the repercussions. He didn’t think, “What if the Pharisees see me heal on the Sabbath?” or, “What if people see me talking to this prostitute?” Without hesitation, Jesus just did it. Jesus taught; Jesus healed; Jesus loved; Jesus spoke; Jesus cared for the least of these without even for one moment thinking, “What if?” Jesus didn’t stand by and wait for someone else to move; He made the first move and He followed God’s will for His life, despite knowing the pain that He would eventually suffer for doing so.
I think I can speak for Source of Light when I say, we firmly believe that change will not come unless we move. The fields are ready for harvest, so we can’t just sit still. We must listen, trust, and carry out whatever task the Lord has laid on our hearts to do. Change starts when a person acts on what God is leading them to do.
Source of Light has successfully implemented a device, called “Papyrus,” that has the power to reach the unreached. It holds the Truth of the Gospel and plays it for those who have never heard of our Wonderful Savior. These audio devices are solar-powered, so they can be used even out in the most desolate, remote locations without the worry of needing a place to charge them. These devices also have a built-in speaker that is loud enough to be heard in open air by up to 150 people.
Nationals from all over the globe will soon begin recording our Bible lessons in their native languages. Not only will these recordings be able to go on the Papyrus machine, but the MP3 versions will also be available. They will be accessible through the Internet and even on cell phones all over the world. We have already begun the recording process of our courses in English, and slowly other languages will and are being recorded.
One of our missionaries, James Byakika, is using the Papyrus device in Uganda at a school for the blind. Not only do they receive our braille materials, but they also get to actually hear the Word of God through these devices as well. A teacher from the school wrote us and said, “listening is but ‘sight’ for the blind.” These devices open up a whole new way of reaching souls for Christ.
No more “what ifs” and no more waiting on someone else to make the first move. Be a difference-maker. Make dreams a reality. You have the potential and ability to change the world. The fields are white: what are you going to do about it?