Print is not Dead – Summer 2019
By Dr. Ronald J. Barnes Jr.
When I began in this role, I was frequently approached by wellmeaning friends and leaders in ministry who wanted to encourage me to consider, “getting out of the print business.” In my early days here, I remember thinking to myself that perhaps the electronic means of delivery would be a much more costeffective way to deliver the materials, so I wasn’t taking any possibility off the table.
As the years have gone by and we have now developed the Online courses, I have become confident that with time, we will be reaching a significant amount of people through the Internet with the Gospel, followed by intentional discipleship relationships, and for a fraction of what the printed materials cost to produce, ship, and distribute.
At the same time, I have also come to realize that, while the electronic may open new and more doors, our printing ministry will still be heavily used around the world. Prisons, schools, churches, and many parts of the world will still have limited, if any, access to our electronic courses and this makes up a good portion of where our missionaries are currently serving. In fact, this year we hope to actually increase our production by $100,000, should the Lord allow. We are asking God for an extra $100,000 beyond the previous years’ regular donors who would give to the “Paper Partners” campaign. If you have a desire to help us reach this goal, you can contact us at slm@, call 706.342.0397, or visit us Online at www.sourcelight. org and give, using the Project name “Paper Partners.”
For those of you who wondered, will SLM stop printing now that electronic courses are available? Let me assure you, “Print is Not Dead.” It is still very much alive. Print materials will continue as a significant part of the ministry of SLM and will be necessary if we desire to be relevant in ministry around the globe.