Missionary Spotlights – Spring 2021
Spotlight W. D. Central India
In His Own Words…
I was brought up in a family where my father was a pastor and mother was also in full-time ministry. This gave a foundation about the knowledge of Christ and the Gospel. But I did not receive Christ as my personal Savior until I was doing my post-graduate study in the field of engineering.
I was called into the ministry and joined SLM in 1981. God blessed me with a prayerful and a born-again Christian as my wife. She is a graduate in commerce and is a great source of support for me in the ministry. Now she is retired from her employment and is fully involved in ministry along my side. We are blessed with two sons and their wives. I am grateful to the Lord that my whole family is involved in the ministry of the Lord in various capacities.
I love to be involved in all kinds of ministries. Though church ministry is my priority, I always love to do missions in the remote areas of the country. I started church planting and evangelism in forest areas where there is no church, and the Gospel has not been preached. The innocence of those people and the love they show towards us is unbelievable.
There are some external forces I cannot mention in this document— the people who stop us reaching these people in the remote areas. Me and my wife receive threatening calls from unknown numbers telling us not to preach or share the Gospel.
In spite of these situations, I am always fond of ministering in forest areas. It is a joy to reach people with the good news of our Lord. There is no other thing which can give me that joy, happiness, and peace. To live is for Christ but to die is a gain. This is what I believe and try to work towards.
Please continue to pray for us and our ministry.
Spotlight M. B. Pakistan
M. B. cares about his people, the people of Pakistan. “God showed me the miserable condition of His people in Pakistan physically and spiritually.” M. B. felt a deep call to plant churches and raise up believers who would become missionaries in his country. After praying for years for specific ministry direction (while serving), he discovered Source of Light’s website. He initiated the connection, and then he and his wife saved for over a year to make the trip to the Philippines for SLM training in 2011. “And that,” he says, “was the greatest, very important, blessed, and happiest time for us. What a great joy!”
The following are his words:
“We won hundreds of souls by distributing the SLM material. We introduced the printed material to the principals of many Muslim public and private schools, denominations, churches and ministries, and all of them showed interest to apply these materials to their institutes.
“God brought a great revival in many villages and cities of Pakistan. There were many threats that started to come by calls and letters to us, because the booklets and the Bibles were distributed, and the material reached to the Muslim leaders and the Islamic schools. Muslim leaders and even the terrorists accepted our Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior.
“Then suddenly, a terrible incident took place. Our stitching unit, that was our big source of income to support our ministries, was destroyed by some fundamental Muslims and it affected our all work in Pakistan… we had lost all things and had no funds to carry on. Many organizations offered us many attractive things and offers of huge funds to restore all projects, but God had fixed our hearts in SLM International because we had experienced the power of the faith, the SLM material, and the true fellowship of SLM international family. We believe that SLM Pakistan will win Pakistan for His glory and Pakistan will be saved.”