Our “Neighbors” in Argentina
By Ron Barnes
While many people her age are looking to retire, Graciela Guerrero has asked God to make her continually useful. She came to SLM a couple of years ago from another mission agency upon the recommendation of her home church, First Baptist Church of Atlanta.
God has given Graciela the gift of evangelizing and a heart for people, particularly in Central and South America, and she has spent significant amounts of time in Mexico and Argentina. In fact, burdened to return to Argentina, she ventured there at the beginning of the COVID pandemic.
She was forced to quarantine after her arrival, but as soon as her quarantine was over, and in spite of the risks of COVID, she and others from our partner church began to visit widows, the sick, and those in need.
Technically, people were supposed to “stay-in-place” but with so much need in their community, Graciela and her friend Marina, went door to door seeking to talk to people, pray with them, and find ways to serve them.
Because of the fear of COVID and the isolation many were facing, people were open to these strangers, and open to the answers to life that they had to offer with the Gospel. Attending to their immediate needs of jackets, blankets, and clothing, as well as their nutritional needs of fruits, vegetables, meats, bread, and non-perishable foods, the salt and light that shone through these two single women laid the groundwork for the church to follow up.
In partnership with the church, when Graciela and Marina discovered a need, they worked together to meet that necessity.
When they discovered a twelve-year-old boy sleeping on the floor covered with insects and spiders, they came up with a bed for him.
Upon discovering a young woman had committed suicide, the church provided food for the family for her funeral.
After the home of a mother with small children was burglarized and vandalized by robbers, the church replaced the door, and encouraged the family by replenishing their cupboard. They even
sought to encourage the kids by making them a wagon filled with their own goodies.
“Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbor unto him that fell among the thieves? And he said, He that shewed mercy on him. Then said Jesus unto him, Go, and do thou likewise.” (Luke 10:36–37 kjv)
These are just a few of the ways Graciela, Marina, and the church demonstrated the love of God. They put “deposits in their community’s emotional bank account” so that the trust they established as Good Samaritans will be in the forefront of the people’s minds when they are ready to seek spiritual answers to life.
Pray for this little community in Argentina, predominantly Catholic, that one day the light they saw reflected in the lives of that small group of Christians would shine in their lives as well.
Recent Update Letter from S.Y. Reaching the Burmese in Singapore
Hi Dr. Ron Barnes.
Greetings in Jesus’ Name!
Over the last three years, I have actively promoted WWBI to my contacts in Yangon, Myanmar. I am happy that nine of our students in Yangon have completed WWBI Semester 1 in Burmese recently. On January 16, 2021, we held a simple ceremony to award each of them a Certificate in Christian Ministry. Pray that they will progress to study WWBI Semester 2 courses.
2 Timothy 2:15; Colossians 1:28
S. Y.