Saraswati: A Testimony of God’s Grace
By S.S. in India
Saraswati Mizar lives in Nepal in Sindhupalchowk, Melamchi. She is 38 years old. She was involved in idol worship, going to temples and bringing garland made out of flowers for the idols, fasting, going on pilgrimages and involved in witchcraft. She was very religious and used to worship idols daily. Her profession was to make liquor at home and sell it to her customers. Her husband Subah Mizar and she herself would drink liquor every day. At night she would dance and entertain her customers. Fights between her and her husband were very common and he would beat her badly. Their children were also going astray and she was discouraged. There was no peace and lots of sorrow. One day she tried to commit suicide but her husband saved her. Her life went on like that. One day her youngest son Kishan became very sick. He stopped eating and he became very weak. He used to bleed from his mouth. They admitted him to the hospital and the family also performed witchcraft. They spent a lot of money but instead of getting better he became worse.One family whose head was Vikram, from their village, were going to church. Their pastor, Arjun Shrestha, our evangelist, would visit Vikram’s house for fellowship. Saraswati had heard that Vikram used to be so sick but by prayers he was healed. She decided to go to that fellowship thinking, Who knows by prayers my son would be healed too. So, she started attending fellowships in her village and church. The believers fasted and prayed for her family and for Kishan, within three months, he started eating food and was completely healed. First, he accepted Jesus and then the whole family accepted Jesus as their Savior. They threw away all their idols, stopped making liquor, and started farming and keeping animals. Now the whole family is happy. Without hesitation, they pray and share the Gospel with others. Both Saraswati and her husband took baptism. Kishan now studies in Katmandu. Her daughters study in the village. Her children want to serve the Lord and she is very happy when they say this. Pray for this family, that they may grow in their spiritual life and also be a blessing to others.