Spotlights – Winter 2019
Hand to the Plow – Pablo and Dalila Correa
By Kimberly Thigpen
It seems fitting that Pablo and Dalila Correa, both from Lima, Peru, met at church. In 1973 at a seminar, Pablo found a set of Source of Light basic lessons that a missionary brought to Peru and studied on his own initiative. He even used BBT (Basic Bible Truths) lessons as an outline to preach at church.
Some years later, in April of 1978, Earl and Adele Newell attended Pablo and Dalila’s church to see him one Sunday when Pablo was preaching. The Newells invited Pablo to lead the ministry of Source of Light Peru as National Director.
Pablo and Dalila were engaged to be married that July, so it was an important decision for them both. Dalila says, “As Pablo knew about Source of Light material, and we had been praying for God to lead us to serve Him in a ministry that would allow us to share the message of Christ to every creature possible, we believed this was an answer to our prayer.” Pablo accepted the position as National Director for Source of Light Peru.
Forty-one years, three children (all born in July!), and seven grandchildren later, they are still serving.
When asked what her favorite ministry is, Dalila says, “To teach the Word of God especially to ladies, and the biggest blessing I had was when God opened a door for me to do it in the women’s prison.” The women are from different countries, serving time for trying to take drugs out of the country. They do not speak Spanish, but all speak English, so Dalila has a unique, multi-cultural outreach. She has seen women transformed who are now sharing the message with their relatives and friends.
Pablo loves to teach and preach the Word of God to either large or small groups. He likes to “use everything that happens in the world and apply it with the message of Christ.” He also uses the media to teach the Word of God “with applications relevant to daily life.”
Pablo believes that “as Christians, we must make an integral impact on society.” He knows this is true because he has seen the power of God in his own life as in others. People in authority, professionals, businessmen, and students have responded to the programs on TV, where he presents the message of Christ in a practical way related to each area of life.
Both Pablo and Dalila struggle with difficult health issues. Another difficulty is financial support. Currently, the support coming in does not cover all their needs. As Dalila shares, “It is harder now than before” to raise additional support.
Pablo adds that there are three situations they have found:
a) churches have their missionary support system under their own denomination;
b) they do not have the ability to take more missionaries on their budget; and
c) they simply do not consider the missionary work and prefer to do mission trips.
Despite the struggles, the Correas are not giving up. They continue to serve on location in Lima, Peru and in Denver, Colorado to the Spanishspeaking population there.
Their hopes for the future?
That God will provide the funds to have an office for the Discipleship Training Branch in Peru.
For wisdom as Pablo assumes responsibility as Regional Director for Latin America
That God will send a National Director for the Branch and part-time staff.
That God will give them new strategies to have a self-sustained ministry in Peru.
The Correas move forward with focus and steadfastness, purposing to use media and social networks “to fulfill the task Christ gave us, to make disciples of every nation.
Pablo and Dalila need prayer and financial support. Would you consider becoming part of their team?